Hospice is not a place; it is an all-embracing circle of care, hope and support for those who need it, regardless of their ability to pay. Bethesda Intermediate Care Facility promotes quality in life, dignity in death and support in bereavement for all those living with a life-threatening illness.
The Intermediate Care Facility- and Home Community Based Care divisions forms the Bethesda Medical Division and provides mainly Intermediate- and Wellness Promotion care to patients in the whole Eden/Southern Cape area; with the focus being on patients with life threatening- and life limiting conditions such as HIV/AIDS/TB/Cancer etc. and Chronic diseases of lifestyle. Patients are referred to the services by George Provincial Hospital, various NGO-service organizations, local Primary Health Care Clinics and the ARV-clinics. In addition, the Intermediate Care Facility and Home Community Based Care also provides services such as Restorative Care- and Rehabilitation, Health Screenings, Respite, Development- and Stimulation Programs, Adherence support, School Health Interventions, Prevention programs, Health promotion, Group Programs that facilitate the development of Life Skills and Socio-economic independence, Spiritual- and Psycho-social Interventions and Orphans & Vulnerable Children programs.
The Medical Division is graded with a 4-status in terms of service delivery and governance, from the Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA); this being a true indication of the quality of service rendered to the patients/clients.
Medical Division – Main Aims of Care are:
- Relief of Suffering
- Improve Quality of Life
- Optimal functional Independence
- Holistic Health of Patients and Families
- Pain Control
- Symptom Control
- Family Support and Empowerment
- Respite for Families
- Prevention of Secondary Complications
- Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle and Ageing
- Promotion of Wellness and Self-Management